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Discover the Key to Successful Selling!

Overcome Call Reluctance®

Discover Your Sales Potential:

Take the Call Reluctance® Self-Assessment from BSRP!

Do you hesitate to initiate conversations about things that matter to you? At IAM CX, we understand that Call Reluctance® is a barrier experienced by many professionals, not just those in sales. It's a challenge for anyone who needs to make connections and build networks. That's why we offer the Call Reluctance® EKG Self-Assessment, developed by Behavioral Sciences Research Press (BSRP), to help you identify and manage this hesitation effectively.


What is Call Reluctance?

Call Reluctance® consists of all the internal thoughts, feelings, and “avoidance” behaviors that conspire to keep otherwise talented and motivated sales professionals from earning what they are worth.


Why Take the Assessment?

  • Quick and Confidential: Complete the assessment in just minutes and receive instant, confidential results.

  • Tailored Insights: Gain insights into your specific challenges with connecting with others and how they affect your performance.

  • Empower Your Sales Journey: Learn about tailored strategies that can enhance your confidence and effectiveness in sales.


Start Transforming Your Sales Approach Today

  • No Sign-up Required: Get started right away—no need to create an account.

  • Actionable Results: Receive practical tips and suggestions based on your results to help you confidently make effective connections and calls.


Embark on your journey to success with IAM CX—because your potential is waiting on the other side of first contact.

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